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Visceral Fat and your Body

Visceral Fat and the affect on your body

Visceral fat, also known as intra-abdominal fat, is the fat stored deep within the abdominal cavity surrounding vital organs such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines.

This type of fat is considered particularly harmful to health because it’s metabolically active and can release substances that increase inflammation and insulin resistance, potentially leading to various health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

Age : 39
Weight : 141
Lots of Visceral Fat

Age 59
Weight: 121
Much less visceral Fat

Proportion of Fat Cells: The face has a relatively small amount of fat compared to other parts of the body. Therefore, when you start losing weight, the reduction in fat is more noticeable in areas with fewer fat cells, such as the face.

Distribution of Fat: Fat distribution in the body varies from person to person based on genetics, hormonal factors, and lifestyle. Some individuals naturally carry more fat in their face, so when they lose weight, it’s more noticeable in this area.

Water Retention: The face can retain water, especially if you consume a high-sodium diet or are dehydrated. When you start losing weight, the body may shed excess water first, leading to a slimmer appearance in the face.

Muscle Loss: Rapid weight loss or crash diets can sometimes lead to muscle loss, particularly if adequate protein intake and strength training aren’t part of the plan. Losing muscle mass in the face can contribute to a more pronounced appearance of weight loss in this area.
